

This guideline is for students attending course 02461 in Autumn 2023.

Please follow this guideline:

  1. Install Python by following this guide.

  2. Install VS Code by following this guide. Install the extensions Python and Jupyter.

  3. Create a virtual environment called IntelligentSystems using venv. More details can be found in this guide. If you will retain all course material in a VS Code workspace, you should follow this FAQ entry.


    If using Windows you should also follow this FAQ entry

  4. Activate the virtual environment and install these packages with pip . Copy-paste the below to the pip install command line as shown in Installing packages

    torch torchvision torchaudio matplotlib opencv-python imageio scikit-learn scikit-image jupyter pygame scipy nltk ipywidgets tqdm

    Or download: requirements.txt. Install the requirements.txt file according to Requirements file.