Official Python

Official Python #


DTU recommends using version 3.11 of Python.

It is recommended to not have more Python versions installed (unless you feel confident in selectively using explicit versions).

We suggest removing any pre-installed Python versions before proceeding with this guide to ensure a smooth installation process. For help with this process, take a look at this section.

Download & Installation#

Installing Python through the App Store is by far the easiest!

Search for Python in the store and select a suitable version (for instance this).

Alternatively you can open a terminal (press Win-R, type cmd and Enter) then type python and Enter which should open up the App store where Python can be selected, remember to select the correct version!

However, if you find yourself on an adventurous detour and can’t access it there, you can still opt for the official Python release.

Download the 64bit version.

Just remember to check the Add Python to PATH box (at the bottom of the installation GUI).

Add to path checkbox

Launch a terminal (press Command-Space), and execute the following code:

_TMP_FILE=$(mktemp) && /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL" | tee >(grep "brew shellenv" | tee $_TMP_FILE) && eval "$(cat $_TMP_FILE)" && (echo; cat $_TMP_FILE >> $HOME/.profile) && brew install python

Press Enter, and after some moments it will ask you to Press RETURN/ENTER again. Once done, you will have Homebrew and Python.

See here for more details on Homebrew.

You can download the official python directly from here. After downloading the installer, the installation process should be relatively straightforward.

Once installed, check it works. If it doesn’t and you have an M1/M2/MX processor, you might need to use Rosetta to enable it:

Rosetta 1 or 2. You can figure this out by pressing the Apple icon (top left) and then About this Mac/Om denne Mac.

If there are problems, a more detailed instruction can be found here.

If you still have problems, please contact us at

Almost all Linux distributions ships a Python at its core. If not, use your distributions package manager to install Python

Something like:

# the exact package manager, or package name is distro dependent
sudo apt install python3

Installing packages#

Using this installation will require you to use pip (see link for more details). Open up a terminal and run the following:

python -m pip install numpy
python3 -m pip install numpy
python3 -m pip install numpy

Replace numpy by the package name you wish to install.