— Manual Installation#

Press here for MacOS

Step 1: Install Miniconda#

  1. Go to this website.

  2. Under the title Latest Miniconda installer links, you will see different installers where you must download the Miniconda3 Linux xxx that fits your hardware.

  3. It will be easier to use if conda is added to the PATH in your shell startup scripts as the installer will suggest you to do.

Step 2: Install Python#

  1. Open a Terminal.

  2. Run the following command in the Terminal by copying and pasting and pressing Enter:

    conda config --add channels conda-forge ; conda config --remove channels defaults ; conda config --set channel_priority strict


    You can copy and paste code in the gray code blocks by hovering your mouse over the block and pressing the icon appearing in the top right.

  3. Copy the following line of code into your terminal and press Enter:

    conda install python=3.11 dtumathtools pandas scipy statsmodels uncertainties -y

Step 3: Install Visual Studio Code#

  1. Go to this website.

  2. Click the download button and follow the instructions.

Step 4: Install extensions for Visual Studio Code#

  1. Open Visual Studio Code and select the Extensions extensions tab on the left.

  2. Here search for Python, and download the extension. Make sure that it’s from Microsoft.

  3. Search for Jupyter, and download that extension as well. This also needs to be from Microsoft.



Verify that your installation is successful by following these steps:

  1. Open up a new terminal. Verify that (base) is shown to the left of your username. Something like the image below:

  2. Type idle3 in the Terminal, then press Enter. This should open a new window in which you can run Python code.

  3. Verify the IDLE window says Python 3.11.X in the top left (or in the range of 3.8 – 3.11).

  4. Copy the following Python code into the IDLE window, then press Enter:

    import dtumathtools, pandas, scipy, statsmodels, uncertainties

    Verify that a new line (>>>) appears without any text (indicating everything got imported correctly). See the below image for an example:

If some steps result in a different than described above, please continue reading the Troubleshooting section.


Only follow these troubleshooting steps if something in the previous section did not check out.

  • Ensure that Miniconda is installed, follow these instructions.

  • Ensure the packages are installed (if they are already installed, this will not do anything).

    Paste the following line of code to the Terminal and press Enter:

    conda install python=3.11 dtumathtools pandas scipy statsmodels uncertainties -y
  • Go back to the previous Verification section and check them again.

If you are still having trouble or have any questions, please do not hesitate to visit us during office hours or contact us via email or Discord. More information can be found on our homepage.