02461 — E2023#
This guideline is for students attending course 02461 in the E23 year.
The course requires:
A working Python (can be install here)
A working VS Code (is installed by following these guides)
Ensure you have Python installed by following this guide.
Note this will install Python using conda
We recommend you to create an environment for this course:
conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda create --name IntelligentSystems python=3.11 -y
Every time you need to run code in the course, you need to activate the environment:
conda activate IntelligentSystems
The required packages should be installed in the above environment, and can be done by executing this command:
pip install torch torchvision torchaudio matplotlib opencv-python imageio scikit-learn scikit-image jupyter pygame scipy nltk ipywidgets tqdm